handlebars 0.5.9

Handlebars templating implemented in Rust.
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Rust templating with Handlebars.

Warning: This project, like rust, is in its early stage. Breaking changes are constantly introduced.

Why Handlebars?

For information about handlebars, you will go to handlebars.js.

It's my favorite templating tool by far. I used it in Delicious.com as javascript-side template in 2013. Also I maintained a Clojure wrapper for Handlebars.java, hbs. And you may notice the close relationship between Ember.js and Rust community, handlebars is the default templating language of Ember.js framework, which powers crates.io.

Reasons I prefer Handlebars:

  • Never ruin your Rust with HTML
  • Never ruin your HTML with Rust
  • Templating without a reuse mechanism is shit
  • Templating without customization is nothing but shit

Handlebars provides:

  • Separation of Rust and HTML
  • A few control structures makes templating easier
  • Few control structures stops you to put logic into templates
  • Template reuse with include(>), partial and block
  • Customize template behavior with helpers


  • As a static typed language, it's a little verbose to use handlebars
  • You will have to make your data ToJson-able, so we can render it.


Check examples in the source. The example shows you how to:

  • Create a Handlebars and register the template from files
  • Create a custom Helper by impl HelperDef, and register it
  • Render something
  • Make your custom struct ToJson-able.

Run cargo run --example render to see results. (or RUST_LOG=INFO cargo run --example render) for logging output.

Handlebars for Iron

I have started another project handlebars-iron for the Iron web framework.


MIT, of course.


Ning Sun (sunng@about.me)