handlebars 0.3.2

Handlebars templating implemented in Rust.
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Rust templating with Handlebars.

Why Handlebars?

It's my favorite templating tools by far. I used it in Delicious.com as javascript-side template in 2013. Also I maintained a Clojure wrapper for Handlebars.java, hbs. And you may notice the close relationship between Ember.js and Rust community, handlebars is the default templating language of Ember.js framework, which powers crates.io.

Reasons I prefer Handlebars:

  • Never ruin your Rust with HTML
  • Never ruin your HTML with Rust
  • Templating without reuse mechanism is shit
  • Templating wihtout customization is nothing but shit

Handlebars provides:

  • Separation of Rust and HTML
  • A few control structures makes templating easier
  • Few control structures stops you to put logic into templates
  • Template reuse with include, partial and block
  • Customize template behavior with helper


  • As a static typed language, it's a little verbose to use handlebars
  • You will have to make your data ToJson-able, so we can render it.


Check examples in the source. The example shows you how to:

  • Read file and compile to Template
  • Create a Registry and register the template
  • Create a custom Helper by impl HelperDef, and register it
  • Render something
  • Make your custom struct ToJson-able.

Run cargo run --example render to see results. (or RUST_LOG=INFO cargo run --example render) for logging output.


MIT, of course.


Ning Sun (sunng@about.me)