[][src]Struct winapi::um::dwrite_3::IDWriteFontResourceVtbl

#[repr(C)]pub struct IDWriteFontResourceVtbl {
    pub parent: IUnknownVtbl,
    pub GetFontFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, fontFile: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFile) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetFontFaceIndex: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> UINT32,
    pub GetFontAxisCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> UINT32,
    pub GetDefaultFontAxisValues: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, values: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetFontAxisRanges: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, ranges: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_RANGE, numRanges: UINT32) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetFontAxisAttributes: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32) -> DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES,
    pub GetAxisNames: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32, names: *mut *mut IDWriteLocalizedStrings) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetAxisValueNameCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32) -> UINT32,
    pub GetAxisValueNames: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32, axisValue: UINT32, axisRange: *mut DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_RANGE, names: *mut *mut IDWriteLocalizedStrings) -> HRESULT,
    pub HasVariations: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> BOOL,
    pub CreateFontFace: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, simulations: DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS, axisValues: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32, fontFace: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFace5) -> HRESULT,
    pub CreateFontFaceReference: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, simulations: DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS, axisValues: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32, reference: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFaceReference1) -> HRESULT,


parent: IUnknownVtblGetFontFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, fontFile: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFile) -> HRESULTGetFontFaceIndex: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> UINT32GetFontAxisCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> UINT32GetDefaultFontAxisValues: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, values: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32) -> HRESULTGetFontAxisRanges: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, ranges: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_RANGE, numRanges: UINT32) -> HRESULTGetFontAxisAttributes: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32) -> DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTESGetAxisNames: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32, names: *mut *mut IDWriteLocalizedStrings) -> HRESULTGetAxisValueNameCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32) -> UINT32GetAxisValueNames: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, axis: UINT32, axisValue: UINT32, axisRange: *mut DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_RANGE, names: *mut *mut IDWriteLocalizedStrings) -> HRESULTHasVariations: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource) -> BOOLCreateFontFace: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, simulations: DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS, axisValues: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32, fontFace: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFace5) -> HRESULTCreateFontFaceReference: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDWriteFontResource, simulations: DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS, axisValues: *const DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE, numValues: UINT32, reference: *mut *mut IDWriteFontFaceReference1) -> HRESULT

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.