[][src]Struct pure_rust_locales::shn_MM::LC_TIME

pub struct LC_TIME;


impl LC_TIME[src]

pub fn abday() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["တ\u{102d}တ\u{1037}\u{103a}", "ၸၼ\u{103a}", "ၵၢၼ\u{103a}း", "ပ\u{102f}တ\u{1037}\u{103a}", "ၽတ\u{103a}း", "သ\u{102f}ၵ\u{103a}း", "သဝ\u{103a}"]

pub fn abmon() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၵမ\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သၢမ\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102e}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ႁႃႈ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ႁ\u{1030}ၵ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၸ\u{1035}တ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ပ\u{1085}တ\u{103a}ႇ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၵဝ\u{103a}ႈ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}းဢ\u{102d}တ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}းဢ\u{102d}တ\u{103a}းသ\u{103d}င\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၸ\u{1035}င\u{103a}"]

pub fn alt_digits() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["႐႐", "႐႑", "႐႒", "႐႓", "႐႔", "႐႕", "႐႖", "႐႗", "႐႘", "႐႙", "႑႐", "႑႑", "႑႒", "႑႓", "႑႔", "႑႕", "႑႖", "႑႗", "႑႘", "႑႙", "႒႐", "႒႑", "႒႒", "႒႓", "႒႔", "႒႕", "႒႖", "႒႗", "႒႘", "႒႙", "႓႐", "႓႑", "႓႒", "႓႓", "႓႔", "႓႕", "႓႖", "႓႗", "႓႘", "႓႙", "႔႐", "႔႑", "႔႒", "႔႓", "႔႔", "႔႕", "႔႖", "႔႗", "႔႘", "႔႙", "႕႐", "႕႑", "႕႒", "႕႓", "႕႔", "႕႕", "႕႖", "႕႗", "႕႘", "႕႙", "႖႐", "႖႑", "႖႒", "႖႓", "႖႔", "႖႕", "႖႖", "႖႗", "႖႘", "႖႙", "႗႐", "႗႑", "႗႒", "႗႓", "႗႔", "႗႕", "႗႖", "႗႗", "႗႘", "႗႙", "႘႐", "႘႑", "႘႒", "႘႓", "႘႔", "႘႕", "႘႖", "႘႗", "႘႘", "႘႙", "႙႐", "႙႑", "႙႒", "႙႓", "႙႔", "႙႕", "႙႖", "႙႗", "႙႘", "႙႙"]

pub fn am_pm() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["ၵၢင\u{103a}ၼ\u{1082}\u{103a}", "တၢမ\u{103a}းၶမ\u{103a}ႈ"]

pub fn d_fmt() -> &'static str[src]

"%OC%Oy %b %Od %A"

pub fn d_t_fmt() -> &'static str[src]

"%OC%Oy %b %Od %A %OI:%OM:%OS %Op %Z"

pub fn day() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["ဝၼ\u{103a}းဢႃးတ\u{102d}တ\u{103a}ႉ", "ဝၼ\u{103a}းၸၼ\u{103a}", "ဝၼ\u{103a}း\u{200b}ဢၢင\u{103a}း\u{200b}ၵၢၼ\u{103a}း", "ဝၼ\u{103a}းပ\u{1030}တ\u{103a}ႉ", "ဝၼ\u{103a}းၽတ\u{103a}း", "ဝၼ\u{103a}းသ\u{102f}ၵ\u{103a}း", "ဝၼ\u{103a}းသဝ\u{103a}"]

pub fn mon() -> &'static [&'static str][src]

$["လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၵမ\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သၢမ\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102e}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ႁႃႈ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ႁ\u{1030}ၵ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၸ\u{1035}တ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ပ\u{1085}တ\u{103a}ႇ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၵဝ\u{103a}ႈ", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}းဢ\u{102d}တ\u{103a}း", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}သ\u{102d}ပ\u{103a}းဢ\u{102d}တ\u{103a}းသ\u{103d}င\u{103a}", "လ\u{102d}\u{1030}ၼ\u{103a}ၸ\u{1035}င\u{103a}"]

pub fn t_fmt() -> &'static str[src]

"%OH:%OM:%OS %p"

pub fn t_fmt_ampm() -> &'static str[src]

"%OI:%OM:%OS %p"

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Unpin for LC_TIME

impl Send for LC_TIME

impl Sync for LC_TIME

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = !

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized