swc_ecma_parser 0.5.4

Feature-complete es2019 parser.
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es2019 parser


Heavily tested

Passes almost all tests from tc39/test262.

Error reporting

error: 'implements', 'interface', 'let', 'package', 'private', 'protected',  'public', 'static', or 'yield' cannot be used as an identifier in strict mode
 --> invalid.js:3:10
3 | function yield() {
  |          ^^^^^


extern crate slog;
extern crate swc_common;
extern crate swc_ecma_parser;
use swc_common::{
    errors::{ColorConfig, Handler},
    FileName, FilePathMapping, SourceMap,
use swc_ecma_parser::{Parser, Session, SourceFileInput};

fn main() {
    swc_common::GLOBALS.set(&swc_common::Globals::new(), || {
        let cm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
        let handler =
            Handler::with_tty_emitter(ColorConfig::Auto, true, false, Some(cm.clone()));
        let logger = slog::Logger::root(slog::Discard, o!());

        let session = Session {
            handler: &handler,
            logger: &logger,
            cfg: Default::default(),

        // Real usage
        // let fm = cm
        //     .load_file(Path::new("test.js"))
        //     .expect("failed to load test.js");

        let fm = cm.new_source_file(
            "function foo() {}".into(),

        let mut parser = Parser::new(session, SourceFileInput::from(&*fm));

        let _module = parser.parse_module().expect("failed to parser module");