sval_json 0.4.3

JSON support for the sval serialization framework


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A no-std JSON implementation for the sval serialization framework.

sval_json is mostly pilfered from dtolnay's excellent miniserde project.

Minimum rustc

This library requires Rust 1.31.0.

Cargo features

sval_json has the following optional features that can be enabled in your Cargo.toml:

  • std: assume std is available and add support for std types.

How to use it

Add sval_json to your crate dependencies:

version = "0.4.3"

To write JSON to a fmt::Write

let json = sval_json::to_fmt(MyWrite, 42)?;

To write JSON to a String

Add the std feature to your Cargo.toml to enable writing to a String:

features = ["std"]
let json = sval_json::to_string(42)?;

To write JSON to a io::Write

Add the std feature to your Cargo.toml to enable writing to an io::Write:

features = ["std"]
let json = sval_json::to_writer(MyWrite, 42)?;