spin 0.4.10

Synchronization primitives based on spinning. They may contain data, They are usable without `std` and static initializers are available.

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This Rust library implements a simple


By default this crate only works on nightly but you can disable the default features
if you want to run on stable. Nightly is more efficient than stable currently.

Also, `Once` is only available on nightly as it is only useful when `const_fn` is available.

Include the following code in your Cargo.toml

version = "0.4"
# If you want to run on stable you will need to add the following:
# default-features = false


When calling `lock` on a `Mutex` you will get a reference to the data. When this
reference is dropped, the lock will be unlocked.

extern crate spin;

fn main()
    let mutex   = spin::Mutex::new(0);
    let rw_lock = spin::RwLock::new(0);

    // Modify the data
      let mut data = mutex.lock();
      *data = 2;
      let mut data = rw_lock.write();
      *data = 3;

    // Read the data
    let answer =
      let data1 = mutex.lock();
      let data2 = rw_lock.read();
      let data3 = rw_lock.read(); // sharing
      (*data1, *data2, *data3)

    println!("Answers are {:?}", answer);

To share the lock, an `Arc<Mutex<T>>` may be used.


The behaviour of these lock is similar to their namesakes in `std::sync`. they
differ on the following:

 - The lock will not be poisoned in case of failure;