Struct syntax::parse::lexer::StringReader[][src]

pub struct StringReader<'a> {
    pub sess: &'a ParseSess,
    pub next_pos: BytePos,
    pub pos: BytePos,
    pub ch: Option<char>,
    pub source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>,
    pub end_src_index: usize,
    // some fields omitted


The absolute offset within the source_map of the next character to read

The absolute offset within the source_map of the current character

The current character (which has been read from self.pos)

Stop reading src at this index.


impl<'a> StringReader<'a>

Return the next token. EFFECT: advances the string_reader.

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'a> !Send for StringReader<'a>

impl<'a> !Sync for StringReader<'a>