rustc-ap-syntax 153.0.0

Automatically published version of the package `syntax` in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit aa094a43cc041c8483b7c80fb0ec4be233dd01b7 The publishing script for this crate lives at:
bitflags = "1.0"
log = "0.4"
scoped-tls = "0.1"

version = "153.0.0"

version = "153.0.0"

version = "153.0.0"

version = "153.0.0"

version = "153.0.0"

name = "syntax"
path = ""

authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
description = "Automatically published version of the package `syntax` in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit aa094a43cc041c8483b7c80fb0ec4be233dd01b7 The publishing script for this crate lives at:\n            "
license = "MIT / Apache-2.0"
name = "rustc-ap-syntax"
repository = ""
version = "153.0.0"