maybe_utf8 0.1.3

Byte container optionally encoded as UTF-8 failed to build maybe_utf8-0.1.3
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MaybeUTF8 0.1.3

MaybeUTF8 on Travis CI

Byte container optionally encoded as UTF-8. It is intended as a byte sequence type with uncertain character encoding, while the caller might be able to determine the actual encoding.

For example, ZIP file format originally didn't support UTF-8 file names, assuming the archive would be extracted only in the system with the same system encoding as the original system. The newer ZIP standard supports explicitly UTF-8-encoded file names though. In this case, the ZIP library may want to return either a String or Vec<u8> depending on the UTF-8 flag.

MaybeUTF8 type supports various conversion methods. For example, if you know that the bytes are encoded in ISO 8859-2, Encoding can be used to convert them:

extern crate encoding;
use std::borrow::IntoCow;
use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
use encoding::all::ISO_8859_2;

let namebuf = MaybeUTF8::from_vec(vec![99,97,102,233]);
let name = namebuf.map_into_str(|v| ISO_8859_2.decode(&*v, DecoderTrap::Replace).unwrap());
assert_eq!(name, "caf\u{e9}");

Complete Documentation is available.

MaybeUTF8 is written by Kang Seonghoon and licensed under the MIT/X11 license.