encode_unicode 0.1.0

Alternative and extension to the unstable `char.encode_utf8()` and char.encode_utf16()` methods. ## Contains: * **Utf8Char**: A `char` stored as UTF-8. Can be borrowed as a `str`. * **Utf8Iterator**: Iterate over or read the bytes of an UTF-8 codepoint. * **Utf16Char**: A `char` stored as UTF-16. Can be borrowed as a `u16` slice. * **Utf8Iterator**: Iterate over the units of an UTF-16 codepoint. * **Conversion methods on `char`**: * to UTF-8 as `[u8; 4]` or into `&mut[u8]`. and vice versa. * to UTF-16 as `(u16, Option<u16>)` or into `&mut[u16]`. and vice versa. * **Precise errors when decoding a char from UTF-8, UTF-16 or `u32` fails.** Can integrate with [ascii](https://tomprogrammer.github.io/rust-ascii/ascii/index.html) with the feature "ascii". (requires nightly)