clang-sys 0.9.0

Rust bindings for libclang. failed to build clang-sys-0.9.0
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clang-sys Travis CI AppVeyor

Rust bindings for libclang.

If you are interested in a Rust wrapper for these bindings, see clang-rs.

Supported on the stable, beta, and nightly Rust channels.

Released under the Apache License 2.0.

Supported Versions

To target a version of libclang, enable one of the following Cargo features:

If you do not enable one of these features, the API provided by libclang 3.5 will be available by default.


By default, this crate will attempt to link to libclang dynamically. In this case, this crate depends on the libclang shared library ( on Linux, libclang.dylib on OS X, libclang.dll on Windows). If you want to link to libclang statically instead, enable the static Cargo feature. In this case, this crate depends on the LLVM and Clang static libraries.

These libraries can be either be installed as a part of Clang or downloaded here.

Note: Installing libclang through a package manager might install the libclang shared library as something like instead of In this case, you need to make a symbolic link from the versioned shared library to

Note: The downloads for LLVM and Clang 3.8 and later do not include the libclang.a static library. This means you cannot link to any of these versions of libclang statically unless you build it from source.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables, if set, are used by this crate to find the required libraries and executables:

  • LLVM_CONFIG_PATH (compile time) - provides a path to an llvm-config executable
  • LIBCLANG_PATH (compile time) - provides a path to a directory containing a libclang shared library
  • LIBCLANG_STATIC_PATH (compile time) - provides a path to a directory containing LLVM and Clang static libraries
  • CLANG_PATH (run time) - provides a path to a clang executable



First, the libclang shared library will be searched for in the directory provided by the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable if it was set. If this fails, the directory returned by llvm-config --libdir will be searched. If neither of these approaches is successful, a list of likely directories will be searched (e.g., /usr/local/lib on Linux).

On Linux, running an executable that has been dynamically linked to libclang may require you to add a path to to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The same is true on OS X, except the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is used instead.

On Windows, running an executable that has been dynamically linked to libclang requires that libclang.dll can be found by the executable at runtime. See here for more information.


The availability of llvm-config is not optional for static linking. Ensure that an instance of this executable can be found on your system's path or set the LLVM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. The required LLVM and Clang static libraries will be searched for in the same way as the shared library is searched for, except the LIBCLANG_STATIC_PATH environment variable is used in place of the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable.