clang-sys 0.4.0

Rust bindings for libclang. failed to build clang-sys-0.4.0
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Visit the last successful build: clang-sys-1.3.3


Rust bindings for libclang.

Released under the Apache License 2.0


This crate depends on libclang.dll (Windows), (Linux), or libclang.dylib (OS X). These binaries can be either be installed as a part of Clang or downloaded here.

The libclang binary will be looked for in likely places (e.g., /usr/lib on Linux), but you can specify the directory the libclang binary is in with the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable.

If you want to link to libclang statically, set the LIBCLANG_STATIC environment variable or enable the static feature. You can specify the directory the various LLVM and Clang static libraries are searched for with the LIBCLANG_STATIC_PATH environment variable.

Supported Versions

If you do not select a specific version, a common subset API will be availabile. The documentation for this API is here.