bincode 1.3.2

A binary serialization / deserialization strategy that uses Serde for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!
name = "bincode"
version = "1.3.2" # remember to update html_root_url
authors = ["Ty Overby <>", "Francesco Mazzoli <>", "David Tolnay <>", "Zoey Riordan <>"]
exclude = ["logo.png", "examples/*", ".gitignore", ".travis.yml"]

publish =  true

repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = "./"
categories = ["encoding", "network-programming"]
keywords = ["binary", "encode", "decode", "serialize", "deserialize"]

license = "MIT"
description = "A binary serialization / deserialization strategy that uses Serde for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!"

byteorder = ">=1.3.0, < 1.4.0"
serde = "1.0.63"

serde_bytes = "0.11"
serde_derive = "1.0.27"

# This feature is no longer used and is DEPRECATED. This crate relies on the
# serde `serde_if_integer128` macro to enable i128 support for Rust compilers
# and targets that support it. The feature will be removed if and when a new
# major version is released.
i128 = []

travis-ci = { repository = "servo/bincode" }