Enum block_padding::Pkcs7 [] [src]

pub enum Pkcs7 {}

Pad block with bytes with value equal to the number of bytes added.

PKCS#7 described in the RFC 5652.

use block_padding::{Pkcs7, Padding};

let msg = b"test";
let n = msg.len();
let mut buffer = [0xff; 16];
let padded_msg = Pkcs7::pad(&mut buffer, n, 8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(padded_msg, b"test\x04\x04\x04\x04");
assert_eq!(Pkcs7::unpad(&padded_msg).unwrap(), msg);
let padded_msg = Pkcs7::pad(&mut buffer, n, 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(padded_msg, b"test\x02\x02");
assert_eq!(Pkcs7::unpad(&padded_msg).unwrap(), msg);

In addition to conditions stated in the Padding trait documentation, pad_block will return PadError if block.len() > 255, and in case of pad if block_size > 255.

Trait Implementations

impl Padding for Pkcs7


Pads block filled with data up to pos. Read more


Unpad given data by truncating it according to the used padding. In case of the malformed padding will return UnpadError Read more


Pads message with length pos in the provided buffer. Read more