[][src]Trait paired::HashToCurve

pub trait HashToCurve<X> where
    X: ExpandMsg, 
{ fn hash_to_curve<Mt: AsRef<[u8]>, Dt: AsRef<[u8]>>(msg: Mt, dst: Dt) -> Self;
fn encode_to_curve<Mt: AsRef<[u8]>, Dt: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        msg: Mt,
        dst: Dt
    ) -> Self; }

Random oracle and injective maps to curve.

Required methods

fn hash_to_curve<Mt: AsRef<[u8]>, Dt: AsRef<[u8]>>(msg: Mt, dst: Dt) -> Self

Random oracle.

fn encode_to_curve<Mt: AsRef<[u8]>, Dt: AsRef<[u8]>>(msg: Mt, dst: Dt) -> Self

Injective encoding.

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impl<PtT, X> HashToCurve<X> for PtT where
    PtT: ClearH + IsogenyMap + OsswuMap,
    <PtT as CurveProjective>::Base: FromRO,
    X: ExpandMsg, 

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