Function lexical_core::u8toa_range[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn u8toa_range(
    value: u8,
    first: *mut u8,
    last: *mut u8
) -> *mut u8

Serializer for a number-to-string conversion using pointer ranges.

Returns a pointer to the 1-past-the-last-byte-written, so that the range [first, last) contains the written bytes. No null-terminator is written.

The data in the range may be uninitialized, these values are never read, only written to.

  • value - Number to serialize.
  • first - Pointer to the start of the buffer to write to.
  • last - Pointer to the one-past-the-end of the buffer to write to.


Panics if the buffer is not of sufficient size, The caller must provide a range of sufficient size, and neither pointer may be null. In order to ensure the function will not panic, ensure the buffer has at least MAX_*_SIZE elements, using the proper constant for the serialized type from the lexical_core crate root.