winapi 0.1.8

Types and constants for WinAPI bindings. See README for list of crates providing function bindings.
Build #7833 2016-08-05T07:43:11.184703+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.12.0-nightly (54c0dcfd6 2016-07-28)
# version
cratesfyi 0.2.0 (5dbd676 2016-07-30)

# build log
Updating registry ``
Downloading winapi v0.1.8
Documenting winapi v0.1.8
Running `rustdoc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name winapi -o /home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/debug/deps`
.cargo/registry/src/ 13:32 error: an extern crate named `core` has already been imported in this module [E0259]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[macro_use] extern crate core;
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:25 error: the trait bound `fileapi::WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA {
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:25 error: the trait bound `fileapi::BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION {
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 35:25 error: the trait bound `fileapi::CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 35:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 35:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 4:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
.cargo/registry/src/ 4:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 4:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::OVERLAPPED: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct OVERLAPPED {
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 19:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::OVERLAPPED_ENTRY: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct OVERLAPPED_ENTRY {
.cargo/registry/src/ 19:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 19:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::SYSTEMTIME: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct SYSTEMTIME {
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 38:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::WIN32_FIND_DATAA: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct WIN32_FIND_DATAA {
.cargo/registry/src/ 38:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 38:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 52:25 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::WIN32_FIND_DATAW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct WIN32_FIND_DATAW {
.cargo/registry/src/ 52:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 52:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:27 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Copy)] pub enum FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:27 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:27 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 73:27 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Copy)] pub enum FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 73:27 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 73:27 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:27 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Copy)] pub enum GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:27 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:27 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:27 error: the trait bound `minwinbase::FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Copy)] pub enum FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:27 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:27 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:25 error: the trait bound `minwindef::FILETIME: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct FILETIME {
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 5:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::COORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct COORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 5:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 5:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::SMALL_RECT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct SMALL_RECT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 17:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::KEY_EVENT_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct KEY_EVENT_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 17:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 17:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 58:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 58:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 58:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 62:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::MENU_EVENT_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct MENU_EVENT_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 62:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 62:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 66:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 70:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::INPUT_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct INPUT_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 70:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 70:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 92:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CHAR_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CHAR_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 92:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 92:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 127:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX {
.cargo/registry/src/ 127:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 127:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 139:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 139:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 139:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 144:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_FONT_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_FONT_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 144:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 144:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 149:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX {
.cargo/registry/src/ 149:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 149:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 159:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 159:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 159:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 166:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO {
.cargo/registry/src/ 166:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 166:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 197:25 error: the trait bound `wincon::CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL {
.cargo/registry/src/ 197:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 197:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 15:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CONTEXT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CONTEXT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 15:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 15:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::EXCEPTION_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct EXCEPTION_RECORD {
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 83:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 93:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::EXCEPTION_POINTERS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct EXCEPTION_POINTERS {
.cargo/registry/src/ 93:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 93:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 129:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::ACL: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct ACL {
.cargo/registry/src/ 129:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 129:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 142:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE {
.cargo/registry/src/ 142:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 142:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 150:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE {
.cargo/registry/src/ 150:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 150:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 168:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 {
.cargo/registry/src/ 168:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 168:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 177:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 {
.cargo/registry/src/ 177:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 177:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 189:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION {
.cargo/registry/src/ 189:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 189:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 276:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::FILE_ID_128: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct FILE_ID_128 {
.cargo/registry/src/ 276:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 276:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 280:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION {
.cargo/registry/src/ 280:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 280:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 286:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 286:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 286:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 292:25 error: the trait bound `winnt::RTL_SRWLOCK: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct RTL_SRWLOCK {
.cargo/registry/src/ 292:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 292:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::CREATESTRUCTA: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CREATESTRUCTA {
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::CREATESTRUCTW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct CREATESTRUCTW {
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 67:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::MOUSEINPUT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct MOUSEINPUT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 67:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 67:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 77:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::KEYBDINPUT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct KEYBDINPUT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 77:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 77:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 86:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::HARDWAREINPUT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct HARDWAREINPUT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 86:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 86:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:25 error: the trait bound `winuser::INPUT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] pub struct INPUT {
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:25 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:25 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 212:14 error: the trait bound `POINTL: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 212:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 212:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 290:14 error: the trait bound `PROCESSOR_NUMBER: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 290:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 290:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 298:14 error: the trait bound `GROUP_AFFINITY: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 298:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 298:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 316:14 error: the trait bound `COMPARTMENT_ID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 316:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 316:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:14 error: the trait bound `FLOAT128: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 341:14 error: the trait bound `LUID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 341:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 341:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 352:14 error: the trait bound `LIST_ENTRY: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 352:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 352:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 359:14 error: the trait bound `SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 359:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 359:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 365:14 error: the trait bound `LIST_ENTRY32: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 365:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 365:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 372:14 error: the trait bound `LIST_ENTRY64: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 372:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 372:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 379:14 error: the trait bound `OBJECTID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 379:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 379:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 394:14 error: the trait bound `M128A: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 394:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 394:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 423:14 error: the trait bound `XSAVE_FORMAT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 423:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 423:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 443:14 error: the trait bound `TOKEN_PRIVILEGES: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 443:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 443:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 450:14 error: the trait bound `LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 450:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 450:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:14 error: the trait bound `GUID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 587:14 error: the trait bound `EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 587:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 587:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 595:14 error: the trait bound `_EXCEPTION_RECORD: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 595:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 595:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 598:14 error: the trait bound `_CONTEXT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 598:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 598:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 602:14 error: the trait bound `_DISPATCHER_CONTEXT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 602:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 602:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 607:14 error: the trait bound `KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 607:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 607:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:14 error: the trait bound `HWND__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 637:14 error: the trait bound `HHOOK__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 637:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 637:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 642:14 error: the trait bound `HACCEL__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 642:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 642:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 646:14 error: the trait bound `HBITMAP__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 646:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 646:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:14 error: the trait bound `HBRUSH__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 654:14 error: the trait bound `HCOLORSPACE__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 654:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 654:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 658:14 error: the trait bound `HDC__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 658:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 658:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 662:14 error: the trait bound `HGLRC__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 662:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 662:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:14 error: the trait bound `HDESK__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 670:14 error: the trait bound `HENHMETAFILE__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 670:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 670:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 674:14 error: the trait bound `HFONT__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 674:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 674:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 678:14 error: the trait bound `HICON__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 678:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 678:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 682:14 error: the trait bound `HMENU__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 682:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 682:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 686:14 error: the trait bound `HPALETTE__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 686:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 686:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 690:14 error: the trait bound `HPEN__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 690:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 690:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 694:14 error: the trait bound `HWINEVENTHOOK__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 694:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 694:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 698:14 error: the trait bound `HMONITOR__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 698:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 698:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 702:14 error: the trait bound `HUMPD__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 702:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 702:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 709:14 error: the trait bound `RECT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 709:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 709:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 721:14 error: the trait bound `POINT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 721:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 721:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 744:14 error: the trait bound `IContextMenu: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 744:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 744:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 747:14 error: the trait bound `IContextMenu2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 747:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 747:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 750:14 error: the trait bound `IContextMenu3: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 750:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 750:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 753:14 error: the trait bound `IExecuteCommand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 753:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 753:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:14 error: the trait bound `IPersistFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 759:14 error: the trait bound `IRunnableTask: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 759:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 759:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 762:14 error: the trait bound `IShellTaskScheduler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 762:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 762:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 765:14 error: the trait bound `IQueryCodePage: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 765:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 765:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 768:14 error: the trait bound `IPersistFolder2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 768:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 768:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 771:14 error: the trait bound `IPersistFolder3: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 771:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 771:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 774:14 error: the trait bound `IPersistIDList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 774:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 774:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 777:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumIDList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 777:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 777:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 780:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumFullIDList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 780:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 780:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 783:14 error: the trait bound `IFileSyncMergeHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 783:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 783:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 786:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithFolderEnumMode: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 786:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 786:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 789:14 error: the trait bound `IParseAndCreateItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 789:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 789:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 792:14 error: the trait bound `IShellFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 792:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 792:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 795:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumExtraSearch: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 795:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 795:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 798:14 error: the trait bound `IShellFolder2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 798:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 798:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 801:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderViewOptions: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 801:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 801:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 804:14 error: the trait bound `IShellView: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 804:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 804:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 807:14 error: the trait bound `IShellView2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 807:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 807:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 810:14 error: the trait bound `IShellView3: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 810:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 810:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 813:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderView: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 813:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 813:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 816:14 error: the trait bound `ISearchBoxInfo: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 816:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 816:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 819:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderView2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 819:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 819:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 822:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderViewSettings: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 822:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 822:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 825:14 error: the trait bound `IPreviewHandlerVisuals: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 825:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 825:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 828:14 error: the trait bound `IVisualProperties: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 828:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 828:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 831:14 error: the trait bound `ICommDlgBrowser: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 831:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 831:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 834:14 error: the trait bound `ICommDlgBrowser2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 834:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 834:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 837:14 error: the trait bound `ICommDlgBrowser3: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 837:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 837:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 840:14 error: the trait bound `IColumnManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 840:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 840:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 843:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderFilterSite: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 843:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 843:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 846:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderFilter: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 846:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 846:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 849:14 error: the trait bound `IInputObjectSite: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 849:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 849:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 852:14 error: the trait bound `IInputObject: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 852:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 852:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 855:14 error: the trait bound `IInputObject2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 855:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 855:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 858:14 error: the trait bound `IShellIcon: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 858:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 858:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 861:14 error: the trait bound `IShellBrowser: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 861:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 861:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 864:14 error: the trait bound `IProfferService: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 864:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 864:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 867:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 867:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 867:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 870:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItem2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 870:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 870:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 873:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItemImageFactory: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 873:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 873:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 876:14 error: the trait bound `IUserAccountChangeCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 876:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 876:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 879:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumShellItems: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 879:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 879:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 882:14 error: the trait bound `ITransferAdviseSink: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 882:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 882:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 885:14 error: the trait bound `ITransferSource: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 885:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 885:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 888:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumResources: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 888:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 888:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 891:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItemResources: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 891:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 891:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 894:14 error: the trait bound `ITransferDestination: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 894:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 894:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 897:14 error: the trait bound `IStreamAsync: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 897:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 897:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 900:14 error: the trait bound `IStreamUnbufferedInfo: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 900:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 900:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 903:14 error: the trait bound `IFileOperationProgressSink: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 903:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 903:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 906:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItemArray: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 906:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 906:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 909:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeWithItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 909:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 909:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 912:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithSelection: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 912:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 912:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 915:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithBackReferences: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 915:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 915:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 918:14 error: the trait bound `IPropertyUI: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 918:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 918:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 921:14 error: the trait bound `ICategoryProvider: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 921:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 921:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 924:14 error: the trait bound `ICategorizer: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 924:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 924:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 927:14 error: the trait bound `IDropTargetHelper: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 927:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 927:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 930:14 error: the trait bound `IDragSourceHelper: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 930:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 930:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 933:14 error: the trait bound `IDragSourceHelper2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 933:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 933:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 936:14 error: the trait bound `IShellLinkA: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 936:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 936:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 939:14 error: the trait bound `IShellLinkW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 939:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 939:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 942:14 error: the trait bound `IShellLinkDataList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 942:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 942:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 945:14 error: the trait bound `IResolveShellLink: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 945:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 945:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 948:14 error: the trait bound `IActionProgressDialog: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 948:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 948:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 951:14 error: the trait bound `IHWEventHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 951:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 951:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 954:14 error: the trait bound `IHWEventHandler2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 954:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 954:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 957:14 error: the trait bound `IQueryCancelAutoPlay: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 957:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 957:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 960:14 error: the trait bound `IDynamicHWHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 960:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 960:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 963:14 error: the trait bound `IActionProgress: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 963:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 963:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 966:14 error: the trait bound `IShellExtInit: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 966:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 966:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 969:14 error: the trait bound `IShellPropSheetExt: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 969:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 969:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 972:14 error: the trait bound `IRemoteComputer: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 972:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 972:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 975:14 error: the trait bound `IQueryContinue: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 975:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 975:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 978:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithCancelEvent: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 978:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 978:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 981:14 error: the trait bound `IUserNotification: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 981:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 981:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 984:14 error: the trait bound `IUserNotificationCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 984:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 984:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 987:14 error: the trait bound `IUserNotification2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 987:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 987:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 990:14 error: the trait bound `IItemNameLimits: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 990:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 990:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 993:14 error: the trait bound `ISearchFolderItemFactory: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 993:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 993:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 996:14 error: the trait bound `IExtractImage: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 996:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 996:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 999:14 error: the trait bound `IExtractImage2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 999:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 999:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1002:14 error: the trait bound `IThumbnailHandlerFactory: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1002:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1002:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1005:14 error: the trait bound `IParentAndItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1005:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1005:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1008:14 error: the trait bound `IDockingWindow: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1008:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1008:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1011:14 error: the trait bound `IDeskBand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1011:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1011:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1014:14 error: the trait bound `IDeskBandInfo: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1014:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1014:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1017:14 error: the trait bound `IDeskBand2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1017:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1017:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1020:14 error: the trait bound `ITaskbarList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1020:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1020:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1023:14 error: the trait bound `ITaskbarList2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1023:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1023:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1026:14 error: the trait bound `ITaskbarList3: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1026:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1026:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1029:14 error: the trait bound `ITaskbarList4: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1029:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1029:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1032:14 error: the trait bound `IStartMenuPinnedList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1032:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1032:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1035:14 error: the trait bound `ICDBurn: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1035:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1035:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1038:14 error: the trait bound `IWizardSite: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1038:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1038:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1041:14 error: the trait bound `IWizardExtension: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1041:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1041:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1044:14 error: the trait bound `IWebWizardExtension: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1044:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1044:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1047:14 error: the trait bound `IPublishingWizard: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1047:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1047:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1050:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderViewHost: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1050:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1050:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1053:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerBrowserEvents: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1053:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1053:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1056:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerBrowser: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1056:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1056:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1059:14 error: the trait bound `IAccessibleObject: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1059:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1059:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1062:14 error: the trait bound `IResultsFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1062:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1062:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1065:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumObjects: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1065:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1065:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1068:14 error: the trait bound `IOperationsProgressDialog: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1068:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1068:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1071:14 error: the trait bound `IIOCancelInformation: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1071:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1071:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1074:14 error: the trait bound `IFileOperation: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1074:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1074:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1077:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectProvider: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1077:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1077:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1080:14 error: the trait bound `INamespaceWalkCB: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1080:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1080:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1083:14 error: the trait bound `INamespaceWalkCB2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1083:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1083:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1086:14 error: the trait bound `INamespaceWalk: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1086:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1086:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1089:14 error: the trait bound `IAutoCompleteDropDown: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1089:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1089:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1092:14 error: the trait bound `IBandSite: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1092:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1092:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1095:14 error: the trait bound `IModalWindow: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1095:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1095:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1098:14 error: the trait bound `ICDBurnExt: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1098:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1098:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1101:14 error: the trait bound `IContextMenuSite: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1101:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1101:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1104:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumReadyCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1104:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1104:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1107:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumerableView: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1107:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1107:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1110:14 error: the trait bound `IInsertItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1110:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1110:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1113:14 error: the trait bound `IMenuBand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1113:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1113:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1116:14 error: the trait bound `IFolderBandPriv: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1116:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1116:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:14 error: the trait bound `IRegTreeItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1119:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1122:14 error: the trait bound `IImageRecompress: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1122:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1122:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1125:14 error: the trait bound `IDeskBar: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1125:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1125:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1128:14 error: the trait bound `IMenuPopup: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1128:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1128:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1131:14 error: the trait bound `IFileIsInUse: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1131:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1131:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:14 error: the trait bound `IFileDialogEvents: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1134:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1137:14 error: the trait bound `IFileDialog: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1137:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1137:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1140:14 error: the trait bound `IFileSaveDialog: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1140:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1140:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1143:14 error: the trait bound `IFileOpenDialog: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1143:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1143:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1146:14 error: the trait bound `IFileDialogCustomize: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1146:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1146:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1149:14 error: the trait bound `IFileDialogControlEvents: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1149:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1149:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1152:14 error: the trait bound `IFileDialog2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1152:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1152:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1155:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationAssociationRegistration: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1155:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1155:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1158:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1158:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1158:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1161:14 error: the trait bound `IDelegateFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1161:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1161:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1164:14 error: the trait bound `IBrowserFrameOptions: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1164:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1164:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1167:14 error: the trait bound `INewWindowManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1167:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1167:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1170:14 error: the trait bound `IAttachmentExecute: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1170:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1170:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1173:14 error: the trait bound `IShellMenuCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1173:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1173:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1176:14 error: the trait bound `IShellMenu: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1176:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1176:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1179:14 error: the trait bound `IShellRunDll: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1179:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1179:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1182:14 error: the trait bound `IKnownFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1182:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1182:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1185:14 error: the trait bound `IKnownFolderManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1185:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1185:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1188:14 error: the trait bound `ISharingConfigurationManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1188:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1188:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1191:14 error: the trait bound `IPreviousVersionsInfo: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1191:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1191:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1194:14 error: the trait bound `IRelatedItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1194:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1194:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1197:14 error: the trait bound `IIdentityName: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1197:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1197:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1200:14 error: the trait bound `IDelegateItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1200:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1200:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1203:14 error: the trait bound `ICurrentItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1203:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1203:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1206:14 error: the trait bound `ITransferMediumItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1206:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1206:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1209:14 error: the trait bound `IUseToBrowseItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1209:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1209:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1212:14 error: the trait bound `IDisplayItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1212:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1212:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1215:14 error: the trait bound `IViewStateIdentityItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1215:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1215:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1218:14 error: the trait bound `IPreviewItem: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1218:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1218:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1221:14 error: the trait bound `IDestinationStreamFactory: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1221:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1221:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1224:14 error: the trait bound `INewMenuClient: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1224:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1224:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1227:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeWithBindCtx: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1227:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1227:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1230:14 error: the trait bound `IShellItemFilter: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1230:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1230:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1233:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1233:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1233:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1236:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControl2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1236:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1236:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1239:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControlEvents: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1239:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1239:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1242:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControlDropHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1242:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1242:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1245:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeAccessible: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1245:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1245:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1248:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControlCustomDraw: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1248:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1248:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1251:14 error: the trait bound `INameSpaceTreeControlFolderCapabilities: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1251:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1251:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1254:14 error: the trait bound `IPreviewHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1254:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1254:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1257:14 error: the trait bound `IPreviewHandlerFrame: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1257:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1257:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1260:14 error: the trait bound `ITrayDeskBand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1260:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1260:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1263:14 error: the trait bound `IBandHost: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1263:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1263:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1266:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerPaneVisibility: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1266:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1266:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1269:14 error: the trait bound `IContextMenuCB: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1269:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1269:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1272:14 error: the trait bound `IDefaultExtractIconInit: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1272:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1272:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1275:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerCommand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1275:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1275:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1278:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerCommandState: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1278:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1278:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1281:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeCommand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1281:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1281:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1284:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumExplorerCommand: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1284:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1284:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1287:14 error: the trait bound `IExplorerCommandProvider: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1287:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1287:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1290:14 error: the trait bound `IMarkupCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1290:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1290:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1293:14 error: the trait bound `IControlMarkup: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1293:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1293:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1296:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeNetworkFolder: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1296:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1296:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1299:14 error: the trait bound `IOpenControlPanel: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1299:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1299:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1302:14 error: the trait bound `IComputerInfoChangeNotify: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1302:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1302:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1305:14 error: the trait bound `IFileSystemBindData: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1305:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1305:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1308:14 error: the trait bound `IFileSystemBindData2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1308:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1308:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1311:14 error: the trait bound `ICustomDestinationList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1311:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1311:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1314:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationDestinations: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1314:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1314:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1317:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationDocumentLists: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1317:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1317:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1320:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithAppUserModelID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1320:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1320:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1323:14 error: the trait bound `IObjectWithProgID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1323:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1323:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1326:14 error: the trait bound `IUpdateIDList: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1326:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1326:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1329:14 error: the trait bound `IDesktopGadget: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1329:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1329:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1332:14 error: the trait bound `IDesktopWallpaper: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1332:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1332:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1335:14 error: the trait bound `IHomeGroup: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1335:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1335:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1338:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeWithPropertyStore: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1338:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1338:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1341:14 error: the trait bound `IOpenSearchSource: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1341:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1341:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1344:14 error: the trait bound `IShellLibrary: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1344:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1344:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1347:14 error: the trait bound `IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1347:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1347:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1350:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationActivationManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1350:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1350:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1353:14 error: the trait bound `IAssocHandlerInvoker: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1353:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1353:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1356:14 error: the trait bound `IAssocHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1356:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1356:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1359:14 error: the trait bound `IEnumAssocHandlers: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1359:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1359:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1362:14 error: the trait bound `IDataObjectProvider: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1362:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1362:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1365:14 error: the trait bound `IDataTransferManagerInterop: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1365:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1365:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1368:14 error: the trait bound `IFrameworkInputPaneHandler: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1368:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1368:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1371:14 error: the trait bound `IFrameworkInputPane: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1371:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1371:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1374:14 error: the trait bound `IAccessibilityDockingServiceCallback: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1374:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1374:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1377:14 error: the trait bound `IAccessibilityDockingService: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1377:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1377:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1380:14 error: the trait bound `IAppVisibilityEvents: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1380:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1380:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1383:14 error: the trait bound `IAppVisibility: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1383:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1383:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1386:14 error: the trait bound `IPackageExecutionStateChangeNotification: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1386:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1386:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1389:14 error: the trait bound `IPackageDebugSettings: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1389:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1389:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1392:14 error: the trait bound `ISuspensionDependencyManager: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1392:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1392:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1395:14 error: the trait bound `IExecuteCommandApplicationHostEnvironment: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1395:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1395:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1398:14 error: the trait bound `IExecuteCommandHost: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1398:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1398:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1401:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationDesignModeSettings: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1401:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1401:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1404:14 error: the trait bound `IApplicationDesignModeSettings2: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1404:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1404:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:14 error: the trait bound `ILaunchTargetMonitor: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1407:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:14 error: the trait bound `ILaunchSourceViewSizePreference: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1410:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1413:14 error: the trait bound `ILaunchTargetViewSizePreference: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1413:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1413:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1416:14 error: the trait bound `ILaunchSourceAppUserModelId: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1416:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1416:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1419:14 error: the trait bound `IInitializeWithWindow: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1419:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1419:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1422:14 error: the trait bound `IHandlerInfo: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1422:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1422:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1425:14 error: the trait bound `IHandlerActivationHost: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1425:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1425:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1428:14 error: the trait bound `IContactManagerInterop: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1428:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1428:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1432:14 error: the trait bound `SHITEMID: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1432:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1432:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1440:14 error: the trait bound `ITEMIDLIST: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1440:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1440:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1487:14 error: the trait bound `EDataFlow: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1487:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1487:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1496:14 error: the trait bound `ERole: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1496:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1496:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1519:14 error: the trait bound `IMMDeviceVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1519:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1519:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1554:14 error: the trait bound `IMMDevice: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1554:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1554:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1559:14 error: the trait bound `IMMDeviceEnumeratorVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1559:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1559:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1599:14 error: the trait bound `IMMDeviceEnumerator: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1599:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1599:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1604:14 error: the trait bound `IMMDeviceCollection: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1604:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1604:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1607:14 error: the trait bound `IMMNotificationClient: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1607:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1607:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1628:14 error: the trait bound `IAudioClientVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1628:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1628:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1697:14 error: the trait bound `IAudioClient: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1697:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1697:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1702:14 error: the trait bound `IAudioRenderClientVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1702:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1702:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1727:14 error: the trait bound `IAudioRenderClient: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1727:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1727:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1736:14 error: the trait bound `AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1736:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1736:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1751:14 error: the trait bound `WAVEFORMATEX: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1751:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1751:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1766:14 error: the trait bound `IPropertyStore: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1766:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1766:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1773:14 error: the trait bound `PROPVARIANT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1773:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1773:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1787:14 error: the trait bound `IMallocVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1787:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1787:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1826:14 error: the trait bound `IMalloc: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1826:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1826:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1832:14 error: the trait bound `STATSTG: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1832:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1832:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1847:14 error: the trait bound `IStreamVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1847:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1847:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1918:14 error: the trait bound `IStream: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1918:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1918:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1924:14 error: the trait bound `APTTYPEQUALIFIER: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1924:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1924:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1935:14 error: the trait bound `APTTYPE: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1935:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1935:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1948:14 error: the trait bound `ServerInformation: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1948:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1948:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1956:14 error: the trait bound `CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE__: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1956:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1956:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1965:14 error: the trait bound `IUnknownVtbl: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1965:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1965:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 1980:14 error: the trait bound `IUnknown: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 1980:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 1980:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2008:14 error: the trait bound `PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2008:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2008:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2023:14 error: the trait bound `PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2023:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2023:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2046:14 error: the trait bound `VALENTA: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2046:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2046:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2056:14 error: the trait bound `VALENTW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2056:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2056:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2727:14 error: the trait bound `MSG: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2727:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2727:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2740:14 error: the trait bound `PAINTSTRUCT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2740:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2740:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2753:14 error: the trait bound `WINDOWPLACEMENT: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2753:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2753:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2765:14 error: the trait bound `WNDCLASSEXW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2765:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2765:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2784:14 error: the trait bound `WNDCLASSW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2784:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2784:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2801:14 error: the trait bound `SCROLLBARINFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2801:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2801:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2814:14 error: the trait bound `SCROLLINFO: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2814:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2814:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2905:14 error: the trait bound `DEVMODEW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2905:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2905:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2939:14 error: the trait bound `DISPLAY_DEVICEW: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2939:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2939:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
.cargo/registry/src/ 2951:14 error: the trait bound `PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR: core::clone::Clone` is not satisfied [E0277]
.cargo/registry/src/ #[derive(Copy)]
.cargo/registry/src/ 2951:14 note: in this expansion of #[derive(Copy)] (defined in .cargo/registry/src/
.cargo/registry/src/ 2951:14 note: required by `core::marker::Copy` 
error: Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc 
thread 'main' panicked at 'ChainedError {
error: failed to compile `winapi v0.1.8`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8`,
cause: ChainedError {
error: Could not document `winapi`.,
cause: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name winapi -o /home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/winapi-0.1.8/debug/deps` (exit code: 101)
}', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.