user32-sys 0.0.6

FFI bindings to user32.
Build #22087 2016-08-16T07:21:03.714813+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.12.0-nightly (54c0dcfd6 2016-07-28)
# version
cratesfyi 0.2.0 (5dbd676 2016-07-30)

# build log
Updating registry ``
Downloading user32-sys v0.0.6
Compiling winapi v0.2.8
Running `rustc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name winapi --crate-type lib -g -C metadata=0889532d327ff4e2 -C extra-filename=-0889532d327ff4e2 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps --cap-lints allow`
Compiling user32-sys v0.0.6
Running `rustc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name build_script_build --crate-type bin -g --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/build/user32-sys-f9a9062f2653b1c0 --emit=dep-info,link -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps`
Running `/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/build/user32-sys-f9a9062f2653b1c0/build-script-build`
Documenting user32-sys v0.0.6
Running `rustdoc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name user32_sys -o /home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps --extern winapi=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps/libwinapi-0889532d327ff4e2.rlib`
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:43 error: type name `HKL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl: HKL, flags: UINT) -> HKL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:43 help: no candidates by the name of `HKL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:56 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl: HKL, flags: UINT) -> HKL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:56 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:64 error: type name `HKL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl: HKL, flags: UINT) -> HKL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 10:64 help: no candidates by the name of `HKL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:49 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AddClipboardFormatListener(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:49 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:58 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AddClipboardFormatListener(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 11:58 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:43 error: type name `LPRECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AdjustWindowRect(lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:43 help: no candidates by the name of `LPRECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:59 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AdjustWindowRect(lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:59 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:72 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AdjustWindowRect(lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:72 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:81 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AdjustWindowRect(lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 12:81 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:23 error: type name `LPRECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL, dwExStyle: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:23 help: no candidates by the name of `LPRECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:39 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL, dwExStyle: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:39 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:52 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL, dwExStyle: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:52 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:70 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpRect: LPRECT, dwStyle: DWORD, bMenu: BOOL, dwExStyle: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 14:70 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 15:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 15:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 16:55 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwProcessId: DWORD) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 16:55 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 16:64 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwProcessId: DWORD) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 16:64 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 18:30 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AnyPopup() -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 18:30 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:43 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ArrangeIconicWindows(hWnd: HWND) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:43 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:52 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ArrangeIconicWindows(hWnd: HWND) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 21:52 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:45 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AttachThreadInput(idAttach: DWORD, idAttachTo: DWORD, fAttach: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:45 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:64 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AttachThreadInput(idAttach: DWORD, idAttachTo: DWORD, fAttach: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:64 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:79 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AttachThreadInput(idAttach: DWORD, idAttachTo: DWORD, fAttach: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:79 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:88 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn AttachThreadInput(idAttach: DWORD, idAttachTo: DWORD, fAttach: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 22:88 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:33 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BeginPaint(hwnd: HWND, lpPaint: LPPAINTSTRUCT) -> HDC;
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:33 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:57 error: type name `LPPAINTSTRUCT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BeginPaint(hwnd: HWND, lpPaint: LPPAINTSTRUCT) -> HDC;
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:57 help: no candidates by the name of `LPPAINTSTRUCT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:65 error: type name `HDC` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BeginPaint(hwnd: HWND, lpPaint: LPPAINTSTRUCT) -> HDC;
.cargo/registry/src/ 24:65 help: no candidates by the name of `HDC` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:37 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BlockInput(fBlockIt: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:37 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:46 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BlockInput(fBlockIt: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 25:46 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:39 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BringWindowToTop(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:39 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:48 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn BringWindowToTop(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 26:48 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:49 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeClipboardChain(hwndRemove: HWND, hwndNewNext: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:49 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:68 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeClipboardChain(hwndRemove: HWND, hwndNewNext: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:68 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:77 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeClipboardChain(hwndRemove: HWND, hwndNewNext: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 42:77 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:32 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, hwnd: HWND, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:32 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:58 error: type name `DEVMODEW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, hwnd: HWND, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:58 help: no candidates by the name of `DEVMODEW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:70 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, hwnd: HWND, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:70 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:86 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, hwnd: HWND, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 46:86 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 47:23 error: type name `LPVOID` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lParam: LPVOID,
.cargo/registry/src/ 47:23 help: no candidates by the name of `LPVOID` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 48:14 error: type name `LONG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> LONG;
.cargo/registry/src/ 48:14 help: no candidates by the name of `LONG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:59 error: type name `DEVMODEW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeDisplaySettingsW(lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD) -> LONG;
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:59 help: no candidates by the name of `DEVMODEW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:75 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeDisplaySettingsW(lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD) -> LONG;
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:75 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:84 error: type name `LONG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ChangeDisplaySettingsW(lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD) -> LONG;
.cargo/registry/src/ 49:84 help: no candidates by the name of `LONG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:42 error: type name `RECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ClipCursor(lpRect: *const RECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:42 help: no candidates by the name of `RECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:51 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ClipCursor(lpRect: *const RECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 79:51 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 80:36 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CloseClipboard() -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 80:36 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:34 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CloseWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:34 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:43 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CloseWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 84:43 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 85:47 error: type name `HWINSTA` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CloseWindowStation(hWinSta: HWINSTA) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 85:47 help: no candidates by the name of `HWINSTA` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 85:56 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CloseWindowStation(hWinSta: HWINSTA) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 85:56 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 91:44 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CountClipboardFormats() -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 91:44 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:34 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND, hBitmap: HBITMAP, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:34 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:52 error: type name `HBITMAP` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND, hBitmap: HBITMAP, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:52 help: no candidates by the name of `HBITMAP` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:67 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND, hBitmap: HBITMAP, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:67 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:83 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND, hBitmap: HBITMAP, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:83 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:92 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND, hBitmap: HBITMAP, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 94:92 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:25 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, xHotSpot: c_int, yHotSpot: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:25 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:42 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, xHotSpot: c_int, yHotSpot: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:42 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:59 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, xHotSpot: c_int, yHotSpot: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:59 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:74 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, xHotSpot: c_int, yHotSpot: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:74 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:90 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, xHotSpot: c_int, yHotSpot: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 96:90 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 97:32 error: type name `VOID` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         pvAndPlane: *const VOID, pvXORPlane: *const VOID,
.cargo/registry/src/ 97:32 help: no candidates by the name of `VOID` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 97:57 error: type name `VOID` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         pvAndPlane: *const VOID, pvXORPlane: *const VOID,
.cargo/registry/src/ 97:57 help: no candidates by the name of `VOID` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 98:17 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 98:17 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:25 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         dwExStyle: DWORD, lpClassName: LPCWSTR, lpWindowName: LPCWSTR, dwStyle: DWORD, x: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:25 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:47 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         dwExStyle: DWORD, lpClassName: LPCWSTR, lpWindowName: LPCWSTR, dwStyle: DWORD, x: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:47 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:70 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         dwExStyle: DWORD, lpClassName: LPCWSTR, lpWindowName: LPCWSTR, dwStyle: DWORD, x: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:70 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:86 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         dwExStyle: DWORD, lpClassName: LPCWSTR, lpWindowName: LPCWSTR, dwStyle: DWORD, x: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:86 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:96 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         dwExStyle: DWORD, lpClassName: LPCWSTR, lpWindowName: LPCWSTR, dwStyle: DWORD, x: c_int,
.cargo/registry/src/ 117:96 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:17 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         y: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu: HMENU,
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:17 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:32 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         y: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu: HMENU,
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:32 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:48 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         y: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu: HMENU,
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:48 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:66 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         y: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu: HMENU,
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:66 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:80 error: type name `HMENU` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         y: c_int, nWidth: c_int, nHeight: c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu: HMENU,
.cargo/registry/src/ 118:80 help: no candidates by the name of `HMENU` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:29 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInstance: HINSTANCE, lpParam: LPVOID,
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:29 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:46 error: type name `LPVOID` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInstance: HINSTANCE, lpParam: LPVOID,
.cargo/registry/src/ 119:46 help: no candidates by the name of `LPVOID` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 120:14 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 120:14 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:37 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:37 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:48 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:48 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:64 error: type name `WPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:64 help: no candidates by the name of `WPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:80 error: type name `LPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:80 help: no candidates by the name of `LPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:92 error: type name `LRESULT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 163:92 help: no candidates by the name of `LRESULT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:35 error: type name `HMENU` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DeleteMenu(hMenu: HMENU, uPosition: UINT, uFlags: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HMENU` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:52 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DeleteMenu(hMenu: HMENU, uPosition: UINT, uFlags: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:52 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:66 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DeleteMenu(hMenu: HMENU, uPosition: UINT, uFlags: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:66 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:75 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DeleteMenu(hMenu: HMENU, uPosition: UINT, uFlags: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 165:75 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 167:50 error: type name `HACCEL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel: HACCEL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 167:50 help: no candidates by the name of `HACCEL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 167:59 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel: HACCEL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 167:59 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 168:34 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyCaret() -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 168:34 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 169:42 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyCursor(hCursor: HCURSOR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 169:42 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 169:51 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyCursor(hCursor: HCURSOR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 169:51 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 170:36 error: type name `HICON` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyIcon(hIcon: HICON) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 170:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HICON` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 170:45 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyIcon(hIcon: HICON) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 170:45 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 171:36 error: type name `HMENU` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyMenu(hMenu: HMENU) -> HMENU;
.cargo/registry/src/ 171:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HMENU` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 171:46 error: type name `HMENU` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyMenu(hMenu: HMENU) -> HMENU;
.cargo/registry/src/ 171:46 help: no candidates by the name of `HMENU` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 172:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 172:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 172:45 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DestroyWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 172:45 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 179:46 error: type name `MSG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DispatchMessageW(lpmsg: *const MSG) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 179:46 help: no candidates by the name of `MSG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 179:58 error: type name `LRESULT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn DispatchMessageW(lpmsg: *const MSG) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 179:58 help: no candidates by the name of `LRESULT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 208:36 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EmptyClipboard() -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 208:36 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EnableWindow(hWnd: HWND, bEnable: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:50 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EnableWindow(hWnd: HWND, bEnable: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:50 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:59 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EnableWindow(hWnd: HWND, bEnable: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 213:59 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:31 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EndPaint(hWnd: HWND, lpPaint: *const PAINTSTRUCT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:31 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:60 error: type name `PAINTSTRUCT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EndPaint(hWnd: HWND, lpPaint: *const PAINTSTRUCT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:60 help: no candidates by the name of `PAINTSTRUCT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:69 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EndPaint(hWnd: HWND, lpPaint: *const PAINTSTRUCT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 217:69 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 220:45 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EnumClipboardFormats(format: UINT) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 220:45 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 220:54 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn EnumClipboardFormats(format: UINT) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 220:54 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:26 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpDevice: LPCWSTR, iDevNum: DWORD, lpDisplayDevice: PDISPLAY_DEVICEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:26 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:42 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpDevice: LPCWSTR, iDevNum: DWORD, lpDisplayDevice: PDISPLAY_DEVICEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:42 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:77 error: type name `PDISPLAY_DEVICEW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpDevice: LPCWSTR, iDevNum: DWORD, lpDisplayDevice: PDISPLAY_DEVICEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:77 help: no candidates by the name of `PDISPLAY_DEVICEW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:93 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpDevice: LPCWSTR, iDevNum: DWORD, lpDisplayDevice: PDISPLAY_DEVICEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 226:93 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 227:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 227:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, iModeNum: DWORD, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:32 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:49 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, iModeNum: DWORD, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:49 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:75 error: type name `DEVMODEW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, iModeNum: DWORD, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:75 help: no candidates by the name of `DEVMODEW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:91 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpszDeviceName: LPCWSTR, iModeNum: DWORD, lpDevMode: *mut DEVMODEW, dwFlags: DWORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 232:91 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 233:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 233:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:29 error: type name `HDC` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FillRect(hDC: HDC, lprc: *const RECT, hbr: HBRUSH) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:29 help: no candidates by the name of `HDC` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:48 error: type name `RECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FillRect(hDC: HDC, lprc: *const RECT, hbr: HBRUSH) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:48 help: no candidates by the name of `RECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:61 error: type name `HBRUSH` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FillRect(hDC: HDC, lprc: *const RECT, hbr: HBRUSH) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:61 help: no candidates by the name of `HBRUSH` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:71 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FillRect(hDC: HDC, lprc: *const RECT, hbr: HBRUSH) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 248:71 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:44 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FindWindowA (lpClassName: LPCSTR, lpWindowName: LPCSTR) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:44 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:66 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FindWindowA (lpClassName: LPCSTR, lpWindowName: LPCSTR) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:66 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:75 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn FindWindowA (lpClassName: LPCSTR, lpWindowName: LPCSTR) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 249:75 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 257:37 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetActiveWindow() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 257:37 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 262:40 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetAsyncKeyState(vKey: c_int) -> SHORT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 262:40 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 262:50 error: type name `SHORT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetAsyncKeyState(vKey: c_int) -> SHORT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 262:50 help: no candidates by the name of `SHORT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 266:39 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCaretBlinkTime() -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 266:39 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 267:40 error: type name `LPPOINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCaretPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 267:40 help: no candidates by the name of `LPPOINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 267:49 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCaretPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 267:49 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:25 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hinst: HINSTANCE, lpszClass: LPCWSTR, lpwcx: LPWNDCLASSEXW
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:25 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:45 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hinst: HINSTANCE, lpszClass: LPCWSTR, lpwcx: LPWNDCLASSEXW
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:45 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:67 error: type name `LPWNDCLASSEXW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hinst: HINSTANCE, lpszClass: LPCWSTR, lpwcx: LPWNDCLASSEXW
.cargo/registry/src/ 271:67 help: no candidates by the name of `LPWNDCLASSEXW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 272:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 272:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:51 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:51 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:61 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 279:61 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassWord(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> WORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:50 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassWord(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> WORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:50 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:59 error: type name `WORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClassWord(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int) -> WORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 282:59 help: no candidates by the name of `WORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClientRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:52 error: type name `LPRECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClientRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:52 help: no candidates by the name of `LPRECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:61 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClientRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 283:61 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 284:40 error: type name `LPRECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipCursor(lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 284:40 help: no candidates by the name of `LPRECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 284:49 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipCursor(lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 284:49 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 285:42 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipboardData(uFormat: UINT) -> HANDLE;
.cargo/registry/src/ 285:42 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 285:53 error: type name `HANDLE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipboardData(uFormat: UINT) -> HANDLE;
.cargo/registry/src/ 285:53 help: no candidates by the name of `HANDLE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 288:39 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipboardOwner() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 288:39 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 290:40 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetClipboardViewer() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 290:40 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 293:34 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCursor() -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 293:34 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 295:41 error: type name `LPPOINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCursorPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 295:41 help: no candidates by the name of `LPPOINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 295:50 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetCursorPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 295:50 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 296:28 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetDC(hWnd: HWND) -> HDC;
.cargo/registry/src/ 296:28 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 296:36 error: type name `HDC` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetDC(hWnd: HWND) -> HDC;
.cargo/registry/src/ 296:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HDC` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 308:30 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetFocus() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 308:30 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 309:41 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetForegroundWindow() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 309:41 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 321:35 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKBCodePage() -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 321:35 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:40 error: type name `LONG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextA(lparam: LONG, lpString: LPSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:40 help: no candidates by the name of `LONG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:57 error: type name `LPSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextA(lparam: LONG, lpString: LPSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:57 help: no candidates by the name of `LPSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:73 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextA(lparam: LONG, lpString: LPSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:73 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:83 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextA(lparam: LONG, lpString: LPSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 322:83 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:40 error: type name `LONG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextW(lParam: LONG, lpString: LPWSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:40 help: no candidates by the name of `LONG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:58 error: type name `LPWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextW(lParam: LONG, lpString: LPWSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:58 help: no candidates by the name of `LPWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:74 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextW(lParam: LONG, lpString: LPWSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:74 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:84 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyNameTextW(lParam: LONG, lpString: LPWSTR, cchSize: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 323:84 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 324:39 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyState(nVirtKey: c_int) -> SHORT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 324:39 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 324:49 error: type name `SHORT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyState(nVirtKey: c_int) -> SHORT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 324:49 help: no candidates by the name of `SHORT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 325:45 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayout(idThread: DWORD) -> HKL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 325:45 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 325:53 error: type name `HKL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayout(idThread: DWORD) -> HKL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 325:53 help: no candidates by the name of `HKL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:46 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutList(nBuff: c_int, lpList: *mut HKL) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:46 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:64 error: type name `HKL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutList(nBuff: c_int, lpList: *mut HKL) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:64 help: no candidates by the name of `HKL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:74 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutList(nBuff: c_int, lpList: *mut HKL) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 326:74 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 327:50 error: type name `LPSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutNameA(pwszKLID: LPSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 327:50 help: no candidates by the name of `LPSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 327:59 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutNameA(pwszKLID: LPSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 327:59 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 328:51 error: type name `LPWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutNameW(pwszKLID: LPWSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 328:51 help: no candidates by the name of `LPWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 328:60 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardLayoutNameW(pwszKLID: LPWSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 328:60 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 329:46 error: type name `PBYTE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState: PBYTE) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 329:46 help: no candidates by the name of `PBYTE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 329:55 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState: PBYTE) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 329:55 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 330:44 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardType(nTypeFlag: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 330:44 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 330:54 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetKeyboardType(nTypeFlag: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 330:54 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:36 error: type name `LPMSG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetMessageW(lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:36 help: no candidates by the name of `LPMSG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:48 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetMessageW(lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:48 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:69 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetMessageW(lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:69 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:90 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetMessageW(lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:90 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:99 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetMessageW(lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 353:99 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 359:44 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetOpenClipboardWindow() -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 359:44 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 361:49 error: type name `LPPOINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetPhysicalCursorPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 361:49 help: no candidates by the name of `LPPOINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 361:58 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetPhysicalCursorPos(lpPoint: LPPOINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 361:58 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 401:37 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetSysColor(nIndex: c_int) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 401:37 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 401:47 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetSysColor(nIndex: c_int) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 401:47 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 404:42 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetSystemMetrics(nIndex: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 404:42 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 404:52 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetSystemMetrics(nIndex: c_int) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 404:52 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:41 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowPlacement(hWnd: HWND, lpwndpl: *mut WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:41 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:72 error: type name `WINDOWPLACEMENT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowPlacement(hWnd: HWND, lpwndpl: *mut WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:72 help: no candidates by the name of `WINDOWPLACEMENT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:81 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowPlacement(hWnd: HWND, lpwndpl: *mut WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 433:81 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:52 error: type name `LPRECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:52 help: no candidates by the name of `LPRECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:61 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn GetWindowRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: LPRECT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 434:61 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 445:32 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn HideCaret(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 445:32 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 445:41 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn HideCaret(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 445:41 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:37 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: *const RECT, bErase: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:37 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:58 error: type name `RECT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: *const RECT, bErase: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:58 help: no candidates by the name of `RECT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:72 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: *const RECT, bErase: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:72 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:81 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND, lpRect: *const RECT, bErase: BOOL) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 465:81 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 477:51 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 477:51 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 477:60 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 477:60 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 494:38 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn IsWindowEnabled(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 494:38 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 494:47 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn IsWindowEnabled(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 494:47 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 506:51 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn LoadCursorFromFileW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 506:51 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 506:63 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn LoadCursorFromFileW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 506:63 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:44 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn LoadCursorW(hInstance: HINSTANCE, lpCursorName: LPCWSTR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:44 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:67 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn LoadCursorW(hInstance: HINSTANCE, lpCursorName: LPCWSTR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:67 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:79 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn LoadCursorW(hInstance: HINSTANCE, lpCursorName: LPCWSTR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 507:79 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:25 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:25 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:39 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:39 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:52 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:52 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:63 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:63 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:74 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:74 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:88 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 511:88 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 512:16 error: type name `HANDLE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> HANDLE;
.cargo/registry/src/ 512:16 help: no candidates by the name of `HANDLE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:25 error: type name `HINSTANCE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:25 help: no candidates by the name of `HINSTANCE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:40 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:40 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:53 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:53 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:64 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:64 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:75 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:75 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:89 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hInst: HINSTANCE, name: LPCWSTR, type_: UINT, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, fuLoad: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 514:89 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 515:16 error: type name `HANDLE` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> HANDLE;
.cargo/registry/src/ 515:16 help: no candidates by the name of `HANDLE` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:34 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:34 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:50 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:50 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:69 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:69 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:82 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:82 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:92 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 539:92 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:19 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:19 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:35 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:35 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:54 error: type name `LPCSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:54 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:67 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:67 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:86 error: type name `WORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 541:86 help: no candidates by the name of `WORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 542:15 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 542:15 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:19 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:19 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:36 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:36 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:56 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:56 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:69 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:69 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:88 error: type name `WORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT, wLanguageId: WORD,
.cargo/registry/src/ 544:88 help: no candidates by the name of `WORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 545:15 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 545:15 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:34 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxW(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:34 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:51 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxW(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:51 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:71 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxW(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:71 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:84 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxW(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:84 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:94 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn MessageBoxW(hWnd: HWND, lpText: LPCWSTR, lpCaption: LPCWSTR, uType: UINT) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 550:94 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn OpenClipboard(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:45 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn OpenClipboard(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 566:45 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:21 error: type name `LPMSG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT, wRemoveMsg: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:21 help: no candidates by the name of `LPMSG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:33 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT, wRemoveMsg: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:33 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:54 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT, wRemoveMsg: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:54 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:75 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT, wRemoveMsg: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:75 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:93 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         lpMsg: LPMSG, hWnd: HWND, wMsgFilterMin: UINT, wMsgFilterMax: UINT, wRemoveMsg: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 578:93 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 579:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 579:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:46 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:46 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:62 error: type name `WPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:62 help: no candidates by the name of `WPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:78 error: type name `LPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:78 help: no candidates by the name of `LPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:87 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 583:87 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 584:44 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn PostQuitMessage(nExitCode: c_int);
.cargo/registry/src/ 584:44 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 599:59 error: type name `WNDCLASSEXW` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn RegisterClassExW(lpWndClass: *const WNDCLASSEXW) -> ATOM;
.cargo/registry/src/ 599:59 help: no candidates by the name of `WNDCLASSEXW` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 599:68 error: type name `ATOM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn RegisterClassExW(lpWndClass: *const WNDCLASSEXW) -> ATOM;
.cargo/registry/src/ 599:68 help: no candidates by the name of `ATOM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:35 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendInput(cInputs: UINT, pInputs: LPINPUT, cbSize: c_int) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:35 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:53 error: type name `LPINPUT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendInput(cInputs: UINT, pInputs: LPINPUT, cbSize: c_int) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:53 help: no candidates by the name of `LPINPUT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:68 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendInput(cInputs: UINT, pInputs: LPINPUT, cbSize: c_int) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:68 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:77 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendInput(cInputs: UINT, pInputs: LPINPUT, cbSize: c_int) -> UINT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 632:77 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageA(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:46 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageA(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:46 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:62 error: type name `WPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageA(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:62 help: no candidates by the name of `WPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:78 error: type name `LPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageA(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:78 help: no candidates by the name of `LPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:90 error: type name `LRESULT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageA(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 633:90 help: no candidates by the name of `LRESULT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:46 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:46 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:62 error: type name `WPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:62 help: no candidates by the name of `WPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:78 error: type name `LPARAM` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:78 help: no candidates by the name of `LPARAM` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:90 error: type name `LRESULT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SendMessageW(hWnd: HWND, Msg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM) -> LRESULT;
.cargo/registry/src/ 638:90 help: no candidates by the name of `LRESULT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 641:38 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetActiveWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 641:38 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 641:47 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetActiveWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 641:47 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 643:45 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCaretBlinkTime(uMSeconds: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 643:45 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 643:54 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCaretBlinkTime(uMSeconds: UINT) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 643:54 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:32 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCaretPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:32 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:42 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCaretPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:42 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:51 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCaretPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 644:51 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:36 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int, dwNewLong: LONG) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:36 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:51 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int, dwNewLong: LONG) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:51 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:68 error: type name `LONG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int, dwNewLong: LONG) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:68 help: no candidates by the name of `LONG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:78 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClassLongW(hWnd: HWND, nIndex: c_int, dwNewLong: LONG) -> DWORD;
.cargo/registry/src/ 650:78 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 653:50 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClipboardViewer(hWndNewViewer: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 653:50 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 653:59 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetClipboardViewer(hWndNewViewer: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 653:59 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 655:38 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCursor(hCursor: HCURSOR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 655:38 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 655:50 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCursor(hCursor: HCURSOR) -> HCURSOR;
.cargo/registry/src/ 655:50 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:33 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:33 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:43 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:43 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:52 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 656:52 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 665:31 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetFocus(hWnd: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 665:31 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 665:40 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetFocus(hWnd: HWND) -> HWND;
.cargo/registry/src/ 665:40 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:42 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetForegroundWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:42 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:51 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetForegroundWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 666:51 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:41 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetPhysicalCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:41 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:51 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetPhysicalCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:51 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:60 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetPhysicalCursorPos(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 681:60 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:41 error: type name `HCURSOR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetSystemCursor(hcur: HCURSOR, id: DWORD) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:41 help: no candidates by the name of `HCURSOR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:52 error: type name `DWORD` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetSystemCursor(hcur: HCURSOR, id: DWORD) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:52 help: no candidates by the name of `DWORD` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:61 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetSystemCursor(hcur: HCURSOR, id: DWORD) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 695:61 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:19 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:19 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:42 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:42 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:52 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:52 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:62 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:62 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:73 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:73 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:84 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:84 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:98 error: type name `UINT` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/         hWnd: HWND, hWndInsertAfter: HWND, X: c_int, Y: c_int, cx: c_int, cy: c_int, uFlags: UINT,
.cargo/registry/src/ 713:98 help: no candidates by the name of `UINT` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 714:14 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     ) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 714:14 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:37 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetWindowTextW(hWnd: HWND, lpString: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:37 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:56 error: type name `LPCWSTR` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetWindowTextW(hWnd: HWND, lpString: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:56 help: no candidates by the name of `LPCWSTR` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:65 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn SetWindowTextW(hWnd: HWND, lpString: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 717:65 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 723:32 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowCaret(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 723:32 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 723:41 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowCaret(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 723:41 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 724:34 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowCursor(bShow: BOOL) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 724:34 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 724:44 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowCursor(bShow: BOOL) -> c_int;
.cargo/registry/src/ 724:44 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:33 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:33 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:50 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:50 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:59 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 728:59 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:38 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindowAsync(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:38 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:55 error: type name `c_int` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindowAsync(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:55 help: no candidates by the name of `c_int` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:64 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn ShowWindowAsync(hWnd: HWND, nCmdShow: c_int) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 729:64 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:46 error: type name `MSG` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn TranslateMessage(lpmsg: *const MSG) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:46 help: no candidates by the name of `MSG` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:55 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn TranslateMessage(lpmsg: *const MSG) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 756:55 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 773:35 error: type name `HWND` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn UpdateWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 773:35 help: no candidates by the name of `HWND` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 773:44 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn UpdateWindow(hWnd: HWND) -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 773:44 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
.cargo/registry/src/ 785:33 error: type name `BOOL` is undefined or not in scope [E0412]
.cargo/registry/src/     pub fn WaitMessage() -> BOOL;
.cargo/registry/src/ 785:33 help: no candidates by the name of `BOOL` found in your project; maybe you misspelled the name or forgot to import an external crate? 
error: Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc 
thread 'main' panicked at 'ChainedError {
error: failed to compile `user32-sys v0.0.6`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6`,
cause: ChainedError {
error: Could not document `user32-sys`.,
cause: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc .cargo/registry/src/ --crate-name user32_sys -o /home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps --extern winapi=/home/cratesfyi/user32-sys-0.0.6/debug/deps/libwinapi-0889532d327ff4e2.rlib` (exit code: 101)
}', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.