cfb-mode 0.3.0

Generic Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode implementation. failed to build cfb-mode-0.3.0
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Generic Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode implementation.

This crate implements CFB as a self-synchronizing stream cipher.


This crate does not provide any authentification! Thus ciphertext integrity is not verified, which can lead to serious vulnerabilities!


extern crate aes;
extern crate cfb_mode;
#[macro_use] extern crate hex_literal;

use aes::Aes128;
use cfb_mode::Cfb;
use cfb_mode::stream_cipher::{NewStreamCipher, StreamCipher};

type AesCfb = Cfb<Aes128>;

let key = b"very secret key.";
let iv = b"unique init vect";
let plaintext = b"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
let ciphertext = hex!("
    8f0cb6e8 9286cd02 09c95da4 fa663269
    bf7f286d 76820a4a f6cd3794 64cb6765
    8c764fa2 ce107f96 e1cf1dcd

let mut buffer = plaintext.to_vec();
// encrypt plaintext
AesCfb::new_var(key, iv).unwrap().encrypt(&mut buffer);
assert_eq!(buffer, &ciphertext[..]);
// and decrypt it back
AesCfb::new_var(key, iv).unwrap().decrypt(&mut buffer);
assert_eq!(buffer, &plaintext[..]);

// CFB mode can be used with streaming messages
let mut cipher = AesCfb::new_var(key, iv).unwrap();
for chunk in buffer.chunks_mut(3) {
assert_eq!(buffer, &ciphertext[..]);